LOVE vs BREAD: Do you think that you will ever love someone?
A number of my matches read my “The Dating ‘Issue’ for Every Single Between 25 to 50s” article and asked me what I think is the cause of it. In order to answer what is the cause of the “dating issue”, we first need to know what “love” is.
In my opinion, love is selflessness. It is actions of caring for the other person hoping them the best, and willingly contributing whatever they can to help the other person without expecting any return. It only works when two people love each other and the relationship could work when there is love in it. Most of the relationships may not reach this level. Because only when the two persons both care and contribute to the other person, can they, at the same time, being looking after, so that the relationship is mutually nurturing. If love is single-sided, then the giving person will burn out eventually. For a long-term relationship to last, the easiest way is that there to be a long-term exchange between the parties in the relationship so that both parties are able to benefit from it. This is practical and also logical because it makes each person’s life better when they are in a relationship than when they are single. However, that’s not love [despite that it works]. Or there are long term attractions between the parties.
There is less room for love in this busy world when everybody is dealing with their own issues [some people are lucky enough that only have to suffer from ‘first world problems’]. Similar to the “dating issue” that I mentioned in my last article, Love vs Bread is another everlasting topic that any single person aged from 25 to 50 will think and talk about in a peaceful time. I always thought that you can have both of them at the same time if your time is well managed, but if you are making over one hundred dollars per hour, will you still choose to go on a date to meet someone that you matched yesterday, or a few hundred dollars extra cash in your bank account?
I think that if you have a really special someone, congratulations! Most people may not have a special someone that is worth more of their time than that amount of money [even though a few hundred is not really a huge amount but still not insignificant for most of us]. However, if you are single, it is probably easier to make a choice in that situation.
If you have been consistently put in that situation to choose between LOVE and BREAD, do you think that you will still have time for love? If your own issues aren't resolved, will you still have the energy to love someone else?
I hope that both answers are Yes.